Friday 25 March 2011


What I did today...25/03/11
Today I learnt how to  use Prezi. I have never used this programme before but I think that I have used the programme well and to the best of my ability. Today I wrote about my front cover in answer to the first evaluation question which was 'In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?' Here is a print screen of my prezi presentation so far.

What I Have Done Today...31/3/11
Today I created my answer to question 4. I used word to create a portfolio for a typical person who would buy my magazine. I gave an example of a male and female audience member.

What I did today...1/4/11
Today I continued on my work to create my prezi. However I have expanded it to answer question 1 and Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience. Here is a screen grab of my development.

What I Did Today...2/4/11
Today I carried on work using my Prezi. However I learnt a new tool today and that was to create a path, which takes you to different areas of my Prezi. I also continued answering Question 1 & Question 5. Here is a print screen of my progress and showing what a path on Prezi looks like. 

What I Did Today...3/4/11
Today I started and finished answering Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups. I used Micrsoft Office Powerpoint to create a powerpoint to answer this question. I will upload it onto slideshare using my account and then embedding it in a post. 
I also answered Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product? To respond to this question I made portfolios using word and including a picture of a typical member I wrote about their likes, dislikes and how they consume media and how often. I then print screened, cropped and uploaded the images to my blog as a new post.

What I did Today...4/4/11
Today I answered Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? I chose to use a cartoon movie maker as this also shows and demonstrates my technology skills. After doing some research I came across this website and this is the website that I used to create a response to question 3.
I also answered Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? To answer this Question I created a post on my blog and listed the technologies I had used and wrote a little about each one. I copied the images off of the Internet, saved them to my desktop and then uploaded them onto my blog by using the picture tool.

Friday 11 March 2011

Final Double Page Spread


What I Did Today 11/03/11...
Today I made small improvements to my double page spread. By moving my text over to fill up the gap on my double page spread above the image. I also added my magazine logo, page number and issue month to the bottom of the page. Doing these small tweeks made my double page spread appear more conventional. To finish off my work today I created a post and uploaded my final draft of my double page spread.


What I Did Today 11/02/11...
Today I completed task 1 and task 2 about preparation for my double page spread. The first task was to list a few different types of double page spreads/feature spreads and give a brief description of what is included in that selected style. I also had to make a few notes about why it might be suitable/relevant for my double page spread. For the second task I wrote my proposal for my double page spread and included my flat plan. I also completed Task 3 and 4.
What I Did Today 18/02/11...
Today I started work on my double page spread. I uploaded and edited my image on Photoshop. I copied some of the background and edited it to make the background bigger so I didn't need to stretch the image. I then added my main font onto the front cover and saved it in Photoshop as a layer image. After doing this I opened up the image in Adobe InDesign.  I learnt how to place an image, resize an image, and add columns and text. Personally because I have never used this programme before after taking a while to get used to it, it is quite similar to Photoshop and I think I have showed my skills of being able to use a new programme well.

What I Did Today 25/02/11...
I did all the writing for my double page spread. I gained inspiration from searching different interview styled double page spreads. I also looked at ways to improve my double page spread for next week to make it look more conventional