Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation - Question 6

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technology and the magazine industry
I believe that technology is going to over run and essentially control the magazine industry. I think we will slowly but surely lose the whole point of a magazine - this being a paper format that we can carry round, read and enjoy. Instead I think technology will take over the paper based magazine and magazines will soon turn into things you need to subscribe to online and view online. This may not be in everyone's interest though, although yes you could still read on the go by using, for example, an Itouch to view the magazines on. However this is not too everybody's taste, some will not enjoy reading off a small screen and even having to carry something around they cannot dispose of.
The magazine industry has already taken advance on the new technologies available such as, Facebook and Twitter to freely advertise their magazine without any costs.However they still use the original technologies, for example, high end laser printers and computer software.  As well as smart phones to easily keep in touch with publishers and exchange data.

Technologies I have used in my work
I have a used a variety of different technologies throughout my work to create my preliminary college magazine and my music magazine.
The college Mac's. I had never used a Mac before and it took me a while to become used to all the shortcuts and how software I had used before was different and slightly more complex on a Mac, but I soon adjusted to this and now find them simple and easy to use.

My Samsung R720 laptop I used regularly to keep up to date with my work at home.

USB memory stick. I used one of these to carry work I had done from college back home and vise versa. It is a small and compact way to carry information rather then emailing your work back home.
I have used a variety of different software's, programmes and websites, for example:
Blogger. This is the website which I used to create my blog to upload all of my posts too. This includes research, the preliminary task, my music magazine and evaluation etc. 

Flickr. I created a Flickr account to upload all of my music magazine images too. I enjoyed using Flickr because it was a simple and high quality programme.

 Slideshare. I used Slideshare to upload my PowerPoint's I made.

YouTube. I used this to upload and embed videos to my blog, to show different music genres.

Photoshop. I used this piece of software the most. I used it for my preliminary task as well as for my front cover and contents page for my music magazine. I knew how to use the software before so I had some knowledge of the programme. However I have learnt more from using it. I learnt how to use the text tool and change the effects using FX. I also knew how to use the brightness and contrast as well as the magnetic lasso.

InDesign. Much like Photoshop as it is made by the same company. However it is more of a publisher. I found it hard to adapt to using this programme, but once I became used to the software and where all the buttons where I found it easy to navigate around. I used InDesign to create my double page spread. I has never used the programme before so it was a new experience and I had to learn everything from scratch which I think I did successfully by looking at my final outcome.

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