Friday 10 December 2010

10/12/2010 So Far...

Today I have learnt how to create a blog using blogger. I had never used it before until today, I have found it very simple and easy to use it is also very useful and a visually appealing way to present my work that I have done and will be doing. I will update the blog every week or with every piece of new work that I have done. I will note all of my ideas and aims as a new post. I also changed my profile to show my capability of using blogger and to make my work more visual and pleasing to the eye. So far I have included all aspects of how I made my Student Magazine (Preliminary Exercise) with appropriate text explaining what I have done and why.
The Brief was:
  • Produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead.
  • Produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page
  • Include some relevant pre-production exercises
This includes Initial Ideas, Proposal and Flat plans for my front cover and contents page.
I think I have used blogger well and sufficiently.

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