Friday 10 December 2010

Proposal & Initial Ideas


Who you are aiming your magazine at specifically?
This magazine that I am making is a college magazine so therefore my target audience are college students, mostly aged between sixteen and nineteen.

What will your magazine be about?
My magazine will be about student life, student problems, news and events going on in the college as well as the college facilities and students stories that others may find interesting. Another idea could be how to improve grades with revision websites etc.

What are your ideas for coverlines?
·         She enjoys work experience
·         Get better results
·         How did she do it?
·         What!  How?
·         Super surprised students
·         Make mates
·         The greatest
·         OMG
·         SD success

What title have you decided on and why?
I have chosen College Xtra as my magazine title. I have chosen this name because it contains the word college so it refers to the target audience and what the magazine is going to be about. I decided to spell extra as ‘Xtra’ because it fits in with the age group I am aiming this magazine at and it is also related to texting which is what people of the age sixteen and nineteen do. I also decided on the word Xtra because it is literally an extra piece of information/ paper for a college student.

What fonts do you want to use and why?
College XtraThis font is called Apple Casual. I like this font because it is designed for a younger audience, it is also clear and easy to read. It is not bold enough for a front cover so I am going to use it as the text font for the contents page.

College Xtrathis font is called Angl0-saxoncaps would not work because it is constantly in capital letters and is very unclear to read due to it being a serif font

College XtraThis font is called Cooper Black, I am going use this as my title for my magazine on the front cover because it is bold, clear and simple. This font is also a serif font because it has got curls on the end of the letters. I am using this type of font because it is more modern and I think it would appeal to a younger audience more so than a sans serif font.

College XtraThis font is called Sathu. I am going to use this font as my coverlines because again is it easy to read. However I might use it in bold so it stands out more against the photo that is going to be used on my magazine front cover.

What are your ideas for taglines?
·         For your xtra learning info needs
·         The xtra’s

When in the year will it be published?
My magazine will be published in summer; it will reflect the summer colours e.g bright and cheerful colours.

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?

This is the image I am going to use for my front page.  My main coverline is going to be about work experience, because this is what this student in the photo is doing. It relates to the summer theme because she is working in the holiday shop as she is doing travel and tourism, both of these things relate to summer hence being published at summer with a summer theme. 

I took this photo with a digital camera and I asked the person to look into the camera as eye contact can influence the viewer to buy the magazine. I followed the rule of leaving the left third for coverlines.

My magazine will be published every half term because realistically there wouldn’t be enough to write about to publish the magazine for example every month and I believe leaving it for every term would be too long.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
I would like to keep it to an A4 size because you have a wider variety of laying out the page. An A5 would be a good size because it’s small and handy because students don’t really want more paperwork then they already have. However I believe that he layout and how it looks would be more appealing when done correctly then the size of the magazine.

What images/colours would you use on the contents page?
For the contents page I will use bright colours because it follows the theme of the magazine being published in summer.
I will include photos of students here are a few possible examples:

Initial Ideas

Here is some more planning for my Student Magazine it is a brainstorm of my initial ideas. These are the ideas that I came up with when we were told of the task, I will narrow them down to the ideas that I will use in my final Contents Page and Front Cover and these will be included in my proposal, which I shall also upload. I have included a variety of options for each aspect of my magazine.

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