Friday 7 January 2011

Audience Research

Views On Music Magazines
Using Facebook I asked people "What are their views on music magazines?" and here are a few answers that I recieved.
"Honestly, they are slightly boring, I guess they're okay to let you know when gigs are and thats it."- Matthew Whitehead, 18.
"To be honest, I have never read one in my life." - Holly Shooter, 17.
"I don't read them, they cost too much." - Sam Tremlett, 17.
"I like them,they're good and inform you about gigs and stuff and you get sexy posters." Emily Fry-Sheehan, 16.
"I am the most shocking person to ask, I read fashion magazines. They're good for hearing about new music and other peoples opinions and also hearing about new concerts and stuff." - Caitlin Martin, 17.
"I do not read them because they don't really interest me that much." - Chris Scarlett, 17.

I focused on asking people in the late teenage group, because this is the age group that I am going to aim my own music magazine at.

Music Poll
I created a poll to conduct some audience research. I used a gadget on blogger to create a modern looking poll with multiple choices. I wanted to use a computerized way to research instead of, for example a questionnaire to show my skills with using computer software. As well as to show my confidence using blogger. My poll was placed on the left hand side sidebar, at the top of my blog. I chose here because it is easy to find and get to.

 Here is a print screened and cropped view of my music poll. After giving the poll two weeks, I received a number of votes. I allowed my voters to pick multiple choices if they wanted, however I could not see whether they had chosen one answer or three. These are my results I was left with after my audience research time was over. It is easily visible that Indie and Rock are the 2 top favourites and Folk music the least favourite receiving zero votes. After looking at my audience research and with Indie being the favourite choice, I decided that this would be my chosen genre of music magazine to do. I have since removed my poll to stop people voting which could possibly make this post null and void if Indie was not to be the top voted.

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