Thursday 13 January 2011


Who are you aiming your magazine at?
I have chosen teenagers aged between 15-17 to be my target audience because I believe this is the age group that listen to music more so and are more likely to buy and read music magazines, as well tell their friends about the magazine. However there is a possibility to sell to young adults, I will do this by making the magazine look simple and modern so it appeals to them.

What will your music magazine be about?
My music magazine will be about Indie music specifically, but may include some rock music to widen the audience the magazine could sell too. Making selling figures rise. The typical content included will be all the things I listed in my initial ideas these are:
  • Up and coming artists
  • Gigs
  • News feed
  • Letters to the publisher
  • Interviews
  • Top artists
  • Top songs
  • Band break ups
What title have you decided on and why?
My chosen title is 'I.D' which stands for Independent Identity which will be my slogan. I chose this because Indie means Independent which can also stand for the I in 'I.D' and then I chose identity at the end because 'I.D' means identity. Overall I think this will work for my music magazine title because Indie kids also like to have their own identity and try not to be like everybody else or listen to the music that everybody listens to.
I didn't want my magazine to have a long name because on the front of my magazine I want the picture to take up the majority of the room and having a shorter and 'snappy' title will stick in peoples minds.
I chose to reject the rest of my ideas because to me their didn't seem to be any reason or thought behind them.

What fonts do you want to use

This is the font that i want to use for my masthead. It can be found on photoshop and is called Elektrodisiac.

This is my second favourite font. I am going to use this font for my cover lines because it is clear. This is a Sans Serif font. I have chosen this style of font because it is modern and I want my magazine to be modern and look fresh and new.

What colours do you think you will use?
Out of the colours I listed on my initial ideas the ones that stand out to me the most are the Purple & Black or Purple & White. I have chosen these colours because they will stand out if one was to be on top of the other. I have decided on purple because I think it is a unisex colour and both genders will not be put off by it. They are also colours that are not associated with a certain holiday or stereotype and they can be used all year round.

What are your ideas for tag lines?
As mentioned before my tag line will be 'Independent Indentity'.

When in the year will it be published?
The first issue will be published on the first day of the year which means the date near the barcode will be 1st January 2011. Because it is being published at the this time I will include cover lines that reflect the time of year.

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover? How does this relate to my chosen genre?
My chosen image I want on my front cover will be studio like. I want a plain background, I chose this because of the front covers used on the magazine called 'Indie' the majority of their front covers are simple and clean. I will get my model to pose using nothing but their facial expressions this again is influenced by the magazine 'Indie'. I would like my model to be a male because I am going to use a cover line about male clothing sales. I also think it would be easier to show an indie male rather then dress up and do the make up for an indie girl. My main idea is to get my model to be wearing or using headphones because this then relates to music.

How much will your magazine sell for?
After doing my audience research I learnt that people don't buy magazines because they are sometimes too expensive. The average price for a magazine is about £2. Therefore i have chosen my selling price to be £1.50 because i think this is reasonable for both parties.

How frequently will it be published?
It will be published monthly on every first day of the month.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
My chosen dimensions for my music magazine will be A4, I chose it to be A4 because it is the most common size for a magazine and is easy to hold and read.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
  • New years discounts
  • Top 10 bands of 2010
  • Musical Mysteries
  • "His attitude is what made the band split" - You Me at Six
  • WIN gig tickets
  • Whats hot / Whats new

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