Friday 11 February 2011

A few more examples of double page spreads...

 My favourite part about this double page spread is how they have included the artists name in the headline but they have done it in a very subtle way. I also like how the member they are talking to/about out of the group is clearly defined and is the main focal point because he has not been faded like the other band members.

The best part about this double page spread is the pull quote and how using the style font they have chosen and the size of it exaggerates the 'attention seeker' part of the pull quote. Again I think this is very subtly and cleverly done. I prefer these kinds of double page spreads that havent got columns and columns of lots of text. I think it is more appealing to a reader to have the text broken down. I will bear this in mind when I create my own double page spread.

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