Friday 11 February 2011

Task 2 - Planning your double page spread - Proposal

What type of double page spread do you intend to create
After researching into the different types of double page spreads there are and looking at what each type of spread includes and as well as looking at music magazines in shops. It has become apparent to me that the most used and obvious choice would be to use a Interview styled double page spread.

Explanation of how this is appropriate and relevant for your target audience and your genre of music magazine
I think doing an Interview style double page spread is appropriate and relevant for my target audience because my target audience are teenagers and young adults. I think and believe that people of this age aspire to be like someone especially if they are their role model/idol, and having a question and answer interview style double page spread helps the reader find out information about the artist or band. I think an Interview style will also suit my chosen genre of music which is Indie because Indie kids really aspire to become famous and well known or at least stereotypically people think this.

How you intend to incorporate original images
I think the best way to incoporate my images and have enough space for text would be to have one image covering one page with a possible smaller image included on the other page of the double page spread. As I am doing an interview I could use pictures instead of intitals or names of the band memebers just to make the interview and layout look a bit more interesting.

How will you obtain information and images for your feature spread
To obtain information for my spread I will do some research into other double page spreads, especially Interview styled double page spreads as this is the style I have chosen to follow. I will arrange another photoshoot with the same model who was on my front cover and will do another shoot for my double page spread.

What visual style you would like to achieve
I would like to achieve a simple yet affective style. I want it to look modern because it needs to attract the younger audience, I will do this by using a san-serif font.

What style of writing you intend to use
I intend to use colloquial, chatty and informal styled writing. I have chosen to do this because as a reader I enjoy reading magazines when you can understand what they say because they use simple words. Also because it's in a informal style you feel you can connect with the person who they are interviewing.

Double Page Spread Flatplan

Double Page Spread
This is a flat plan for my double page spread. After looking up into double page spreads from music magazine it has become clear that there often is one big picture which covers one page of the double page spread.
The album review will be of the band that will be on the double page spread. The text within my double page spread will be general background on the band and an interview style question and answer.
I chose to add a puff to the page because readers scam through and if anything catches their eye they are more likely to read what is on the page.
In the top left I included a tab because if people where to pick up the magazine and flip through they may see this and it will interest them in buying the magazine. It will say 'Interview' with the bands name underneath. I also included the page numbers because this is basic practice.

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